Ulan Bator, Mongolia (2012)
A pictorial look at a return to Ulan Bator, the sleepy, unkempt capital of Mongolia & the centre of the Mongolian universe.

Hohhot, China, to Ulan Bator, Mongolia (2012) || Riding The Rails
It was deja vu all over again. Just like seven years ago, I eventually made it out of China and after two nights of riding the rails in a well-worn Mongolian train carriage I arrived earlier today, October 31 2012, in the Mongolian capital of Ulan Bator. It’s...
Siberian Russia – First Look || Riding The Rails
My love affair with the train continues. I’ve left Mongolia and are now en route to Irkutsk in Siberian Russia, my first stop on this my first visit to Russia, the world’s largest country. Russia: mysterious dark continent, remote, inaccessible to...
Ulan Bator, Mongolia (2006)
Mongolia. That name has always stirred up visions of the untamed – Genghis Khan, camels wandering the Gobi Desert and wild horses galloping across the steppes. It’s a huge, landlocked country (17th largest in the world) about three times the size of...