Etihad Airways || Flying High
Today was my first time flying Etihad Airlines, the UAE’s official carrier & one of its two big airlines (the other being Dubai-based Emirates, who I have flown a lot with in the past). I’d heard good things about Etihad Airways & thus had been looking forward...
Ten Commandments of Egyptian Travel
So there I was sitting atop of Mount Sinai a few evenings ago waiting for the sunset, lost in my thoughts and gazing blankly out over the desolate Egyptian Sinai Peninsula, when all of a sudden the small bush beside me began to spontaneously combust. It was obviously...
Nuweiba, Sinai, Egypt
Nuweiba on Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula is more picturesque & laid-back than nearby Dahab mainly because it, Nuweiba, has something Dahab doesn’t – a beaches. It’s also quieter here, especially if you take a stroll on the beaches, one of which...
Mount Sinai, Egypt
Although some archaeologists and historians dispute Mount Sinai’s biblical claim to fame, it is revered by Christians, Muslims and Jews, all of whom believe God delivered his Ten Commandments to Moses on its summit....
Dahab, Sinai, Egypt
It always amazes me how time passes when one has positively nothing to do. 4 nights we’ve now spent here in Dahab on Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula and we still don’t know when we’re leaving. The reason we don’t know is because we have yet to go...
Suez Canal, Egypt
The fact that Suez is about half way between Alexandria, where we just came from, and Dahab in Sinai, where we’re headed, is convenient because we both wanted to come here to do a spot of marine train spotting. Yes, for some reason the thought of sitting by the...
Alexandria, Egypt
Alexandria, Egypt’s second city, is a true waterfront city. When Alexander the Great wrested Egypt from the Persian empire in 332 BC at the age of 25, he decided against Memphis, the ancient capital, in favour of building a new city linked by sea to his...
El Alamein, Egypt
As soon as we got off the 3 hour bus from Cairo in Alexandria’s bus station this afternoon we set about chartering a taxi to take us the 106 kilometres west along the northern Egyptian coast into the desert of El Alamein. Our guidebook says the El Alamein War...
Cairo, Egypt
A pictorial look at Cairo, Egypt, the greatest city in the Islamic world and the capital of the world’s most populous Arab country.