Yangtze River Cruise, China

Yangtze River Cruise, China

“It wasn’t easy, but I eventually secured a basic berth in an even more basic 6-berth dorm on a public ferry that I shared with 5 Chinese travellers, none of which had so much as a word of English. It was an interesting time.”

Chengdu Panda Base, China

Chengdu Panda Base, China

“…odd creatures; bear like, with carnivore’s teeth and a digestive tract poorly adapted to their largely vegetarian diet, very like the Australian Koala which, of course, isn’t a bear at all.”

Emei Shan, China

Emei Shan, China

“I spent a bit of time at the summit attempting to appreciate the views, if not adequately photograph them, and cursing all those high heel-wearing day trippers I saw getting off the cable car. Oh China.”

Leshan Giant Buddha, China

Leshan Giant Buddha, China

“He sits with his hands on his knees looming over ships that pass beneath and when seen from the water is really an impressive sight.”

Longsheng Rice Terraces, Guangxi Province, China

Longsheng Rice Terraces, Guangxi Province, China

“… every cloud has a silver lining, or two silver linings in this case, as I was reacquainted with my essentials & I got to spend one more night of solitude among the the extreme stepped rice terraces of the Longji mountains.”

Yangshou, China

Yangshou, China

“Finally, after almost 3 weeks in China, I had found somewhere quiet and laid-back, and I took advantage of it.”

Li River, Southern China

Li River, Southern China

The classic Chinese image of tall karst peaks rising from the still, green waters of the Li River in southern China.

Macau, China (2004)

Macau, China (2004)

“The last piece of Asian land to be under foreign rule… fast developing into one of Asia’s biggest gambling meccas, with casinos popping up seemingly overnight, one of which I was prevented from entering due to my inappropriate footwear.”

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