My new passport arrived today. It’s clean, empty &, worst of all, small – the Irish Passport Office no longer issue bumper 66-page passports so I had to settle for a bog standard 33-page one. I loved having a 66-page passport. It was one of the best icebreakers I travelled with – many a time its bulk was a conversation starter with curious immigration officials, regardless of their mother tongue, or hostel staff garnering required details from it upon check-in. Eight years (2005-2013) it took me to fill those 66 pages with visas and visa stamps from around the world, meaning I’ll probably need another new passport in 3-4 years’ time. Oh, and I have to memorise a whole new passport number too. This isn’t good. Boo hoo.

Eight years (2005-2013) of visas & visa stamps. A nice souvenir of a great period of world travel (& photography).