Nice, Côte d’Azur, France || First Impressions

Nice, Côte d’Azur, France || First Impressions

Nice is nice. Sorry, that’s lame – & truth be told I’ve been wanting to type that for a while – but that’s all I’ve got thus far from Nice on the French Côte d’Azur, known throughout the English speaking world as the...
Copenhagen, Denmark

Copenhagen, Denmark

It was a gorgeous day today in Copenhagen, Denmark. Crisp, blue sky with a great sunset, something I didn’t expect as I dashed around the city to see what I could see in the few hours I had at my disposal. There I was standing by the Little Mermaid watching the...
The Privilege Of Freedom

The Privilege Of Freedom

I was on the bus this morning heading to the airport. It was early in the morning & the bus was full of rat race commuters, none of which looked terribly happy. The bus emptied when we got to the City Centre meaning I was the only one to disembark the bus some 30...

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