Goodbye To The Caribbean

Goodbye To The Caribbean

Fifty-nine days, nine countries & (only) three missed inter-island flights. Saying goodbye to the sun, sea & sand after two months of Lesser & Greater Antilles island-hoppin’.

Saint Martin/Sint Maarten

Saint Martin/Sint Maarten

“Saint Martin or Sint Maarten? French frolic or Dutch debauchery? In a region of island contrasts this one takes some beating. Forts, cruise ship hordes, duty-free shopping, casinos, condos, resorts, nightlife &, of course, the world-famous & unrivaled aviation thrill of the island’s Maho Beach, the most intimate plane-spotting location on planet earth.”

Paris 2015

Paris 2015

God bless you Paris, you iconic metropolis by the Seine. You are (still) beautiful, but boy you know it & flaunt it.

Nice, Côte d’Azur, France || Five To-dos

Nice, Côte d’Azur, France || Five To-dos

Nice is city in southeastern France on the Mediterranean. With a population of approximately 1 million it is the fifth largest city in France & the second largest on the French Mediterranean coast after Marseille. Founded in circa. 350 BC, today Nice is the...
Barcelona, Spain to Dublin, Ireland || Flying High

Barcelona, Spain to Dublin, Ireland || Flying High

The flight home earlier today brought, for now, an end to my travels for 2014. The skies en route from Barcelona’s El Prat Airport to Dublin Airport’s T1 were busy. I saw a few flights crisscrossing the vastness out there with this one, 34,000 ft above...
Cannes, Côte d’Azur, France || Five To-dos

Cannes, Côte d’Azur, France || Five To-dos

Glitzy Cannes on France’s Mediterranean Côte d’Azur, known in English as the French Riviera, is a destination de rigueur for the celebrity set. A favourite hangout of royalty & artists in days gone by, today the town is famous for the film festival that has...
Nice, Côte d’Azur, Southern France

Nice, Côte d’Azur, Southern France

So much for Sunday being the day of rest. Today brought to an end my time on France’s Côte d’Azur, or the French Riviera as it’s known in English. I found myself hoofing it through the centre of Nice at 6:30 a.m. this morning en route to the city’s train...
Nice, Côte d’Azur, France || First Impressions

Nice, Côte d’Azur, France || First Impressions

Nice is nice. Sorry, that’s lame – & truth be told I’ve been wanting to type that for a while – but that’s all I’ve got thus far from Nice on the French Côte d’Azur, known throughout the English speaking world as the...
Dijon, Burgundy, France

Dijon, Burgundy, France

Dijon is a city in eastern France, the capital city of the Burgundy region, a rural region famed for its vineyards and rich food. It’s somewhat of a rogue region (akin to Quebec, Canada) – for centuries it was lorded over by powerful dukes who remained...
Paris, France

Paris, France

A pictorial look at some of the highlights of one of Europe’s most iconic cities & one of the most visited travel destinations on earth.

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